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can you guys make a pico 4 demo for the game i want to try the demo before i buy the game

Sorry but right now I am working on the sequel so I don't have that kind of time.

Got an issue on quest standalone version I can't find a way to see my backpack. I am on quest 2

 I grab it in my back with my hand  but it's like my hand and backpack become invisible when I bring it  beside my eyes

I don't know if it's a bug or just me that doing it the wrong way .

Can you give answer or help me to know if I do wrong or if it's a bug ?

Sorry for my awful English (I'm a french guy)

(1 edit)

It should appear in front of you after a grab-release I think, you don't have to hold it. I just tried it and there seems to be a bug if you hold it and drag it. Both the hand and the backpack disappear and you have to grab-release again several times for it to appear. Thanks for letting me know!


It worked , the way you told me to do .

I think I was used to do like in some other game where we have to hold it in front of you . Then in the game I'd make disappear it each time before you give me the tips to just grab-release and then I can see the backpack .

Thanks you soo much for you fast answer . Love your game both of us (Aki bonbon and tomboy adventure , I hope tomboy adventure 2 gonna have a quest standalone version.

Thanks you again keep doing greet jobs and take care.

Is anyone else having a hard time find the second map piece? I'm pretty sure I'm in the right place, but I don't see anything.


that game is a diamond under all the gems thank you for that game



quest standalone demo version when?


I'll add it next week!


tengo Intel core 5 + intel iris y me va a 8  fps le baje la resolucion y lo puse en modo ventana y sigue en 10 fps 

¿Estás jugando la demo o la versión completa? La demostración tiene problemas de rendimiento. Puedes intentar disminuir la configuración anti-alias.


i would love to play this but i wont be getting an oculus sadly  i will be getting a quest because i cant be finicky

I will release a quest standalone version soon, you can play it then.

sounds good

any chance this will be on pico 4? even the demo is fine.. my laptop cant handle it..

(1 edit)

I'll be releasing an oculus standalone version soon so if I have the time I might do a pico version too. Don't get your hopes up though since I don't have a Pico4 and I have no way of fixing anything if it doesn't work.

Wow thanks for the fast response! I'll provide feedback if you ever release for pico4. I have it but not a quest so i can't confirm its easy. but so far developing for it doesnt seem any different compared to the usual. just follow the short official video on importing the pico sdk to unity and you should be done. 

Is steam version buggy? I play on Ubuntu Linux 22.04.2. I can not figure out how to activate several features of the game. Princess carry not possible, the hotspot hand outline does not appear Head patting I have managed twice, the hotspot appeared somehow. I try hard but no head patting appears If fishing works I for sure can not figure out how. I try collecting firewood, I manage to get some twigs to the fireplace in hut, but how to light the fire? The gas lighter does nothing when I try. Is the game somehow in virtual reality mode and expects input from a vr set? I have no virtual reality gear installed, and never had.

The linux version should work fine without a vr headset. Perhaps it is an issue with the hand position? You can try moving the hand closer/further away with the q/e keys (right click to show the hand position). Perhaps that will help.

(1 edit) (+1)

The q/e keys do help. Now the interactions start making sense.

Did not manage to make fire or fish yet, but I’ll start a new game now that I have learned how this works.

Maybe an instruction text or tutorial would help players like me. I did know the q/e keys, and tried them with fishing rod but could not figure out useful purpose for them.

Thank you for prompt help.

can you update the game pls...this game is good....also...i cant change if i wanna play in vr or not....i have steamvr installed and when i wanna play it in normal mode it opens in vr...

(1 edit)

Sorry, I don't plan on doing any updates as I am busy working on a new game right now (Aki Bonbon)

okay, and what game is Aki Bonbon?

I am going for a game that is similar in feel to Tomboy Adventure, just limited to a single room (to keep the scope manageable) and with 18+ content. The demo is available on itch right now:


Idk if its just me but the game is really laggy that the characters are bugging 10fps I guess but when I put the graphic settings on ultra everything goes smoothly the animation of the character is fixed too but after a while when it starts raining the games keeps on lagging again with my pc's specs are really good so I think the game is the problem but idk. 

 but really nice game hope to play more in the futureee <33

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for letting me know, I will look into it! There are times where the fps randomly drops, I am trying to fix that right now.


Thankyouu so muchhh O~O


Would be really nice for a oculus version/apk version! I'd love to see that.

I am still working on that but the technical and performance issues make things difficult, so I don't know if I will finish it or not.


Did you noticed, dear gamers, if Natsumi warns to hit you during headpatting or hug and you, not advancing dialog by space button, starting "princess hold" she can not to hit your pers. And you "calming her down" in this way XD

Thanks to dev for game. It's nice even on demo stage. Hope you'll release it with much more dialogs and mechanics and have lots of thankfulness (financial too). Have a good luck with that! Tomboys are cute too and wants love ;)


This game makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I get to experience what's it like to have a tomboy gf. Sad because it reminds me of what I can't have in real life...


Amazing game, now i'm questioning to myself if i still mentally sane


Can't express how much I love this game and appreciate the work you've put into it! Have you thought about adding some sort of voice chatting ability using a language model like GPT-J?

 Replika has a virtual companion on the Quest AppLab that can carry on a conversation, but has no interactibality.  Imagine the possibilities you could team up with them!

I haven't really thought about something like that since I am swamped by existing work but it would certainly open up a lot of new possibilities!

Deleted 1 year ago

Do you mean Oculus Quest? The game doesn't work on a Quest right now but I am working on a fix.

Deleted 1 year ago

both eyes on the oculus rift s seem to give out the same output causing some vomit inducing effects. controls all over the place.


Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it.


Will there be lewding at some point?


Sorry, pure headpats only

I can't get the controls working with vive.

Are there particular keys that don't work? Or are the controllers simply not taking any input?




I never would have thought I needed this in my life! God, I love this so much. Thank you for making my day, Tomboy Drive!


I wanted to try this game, but when I was looking at the settings I accidentally set the screen size too small, and now I can't open the settings to fix it. I also tried deleting and reinstalling the game but it still has the same graphics settings. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

(1 edit) (+2)

You could try editing or deleting the settings file to reset it.

If you are on windows, it's in AppData\LocalLow\TomboyDrive\TomboyAdventure\prefs


Can you release the soundtrack? I love the music!


I don't think the music license permits redistribution (only use in the game) but I'll have to check.


i hope you are safe and healthy :)


i am a very lonely guy , this game makes me feel lot of love and care ... please develop more , i love your game . its my life saver

i never played a dating simulator like this , this makes my heart warm and happy

(1 edit) (+4)

Will do!


That looks cute. Nice game idea and I hope you do well

(5 edits)

Where's the config file located? I was able to find QualitySettings.ini, so the other one.

Booted the game again to find out that this game doesn't save settings for you.

It's nearly impossible to set precise values in-game. You should never use sliders for VR UI.

Also, the UI should follow the headset.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll work on it.


cool i can play with my childhood friend even though i dont know where he lives anymore or have contact with him in real life

Deleted 111 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I am looking into that right now. It might be possible, but depends on how difficult it is to convert.

Converting it to OpenXR should allow it (and SteamVR can handle that as well so folks with Vives can still use the same version as well). Though I'm only vaugely familiar with it or SteamVR.

the biggest downside is the lower power of the quest. you'll have to squeeze out every optimization possible.


OpenXR had some issues previously and from what I understand I need to use a workaround to get SteamVR working. Because of that I keep delaying in the hopes that Unity will work that out. Then again, I have been waiting for quite a while and it might be better to just bite the bullet.


I haven't played too much because I can't figure out how to catch fish, but from what I have played: I love it, it's really relaxing and I can tell it has a lot of potential story-wise, so I can't wait until you finally finish the game. BUT: take your time



Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to fix them asap.

Great game! The subtitles are a little too small though... The Subtitles box could be more square like and have rounded corners too. I wish she could say outloud ALL the dialogue in Japanese. Just reading is lacking something I find.... Anyway, it's still very cool!

Yeah, reading is not great for vr games. I plan to (eventually) have all of her dialogue voiced. As for the dialogue box, I'll make it adjustable. Thanks for letting me know.

hm. It seems to be an issue with my game. I play on chromebook (linux). I downloaded it and try to launch it..but it says that's there's and error launching it. I sent a report about it too 

What does the error say?

When I press launch, there is a window that has three versions of the game to play. I press the Linux version. When I do that, another window appears saying, "An error occurred while launching Tomboy Simulator."

You are using the itch launcher for the game?

Yes. I am using Itch to launch the game.

You could try directly downloading the linux version from the site. Might not work but it could give a better reason as to why it fails.

What happens if you accidently lose Natsumi and can't find her? I was with her at where she said it would make a good fishing spot, we were talking about the stars, wishing on a shooting star, and I lost her on the way back in the dark. She was no longer behind me. Searched all day for her and into the next night, decided I would just start over and try again.

It might be that she got stuck somewhere along the way, sorry about that. Next update will have a proper reset function so you can reset the position without losing progress.


Thank you


One of the reasons to live is to wait for future updates! God Bless you developer-san! I also hope you get a lot of support in the development! And also

need tomboy


thats kinda sad


Does anyone know how to change the voice language


Japanese is the only available voice language right now, sorry.

ok thx


can I be honest? I played this for about 20min and I kinda felt like I wasn't alone, it felt like someone truly did care about me, I know the character is fake but I kinda just comfort me and made me think that maybe someone actually does care, it just... it made me feel safe.


me too.


Are you doing okay? Is everything alright? You want to talk? If you do, try make some friends outside, there's bound to be at least someone that will care about you. And else just send a message here: forkstaf#4014 I'll try to respond as quickly as I can.

Everyone deserves love, even if it's very little.


The game is extremely blurry in VR, as if you are rendering it at 20% of required resolution, text unreadable, feels like I'm mister Magoo, and I'm supersampling to 150%.

Pls fix


Which headset are you using?


Original HTC Vive with Index Controllers.

(1 edit) (+1)

Does it work fine when playing without VR?

Also, have you tried changing the graphics settings? Maybe that could be related.


I tried, changing stuff around but it's still blurry. In desktop mode it looks fine.


Difficult to say as to what might be going wrong. Your SteamVR version is up to date, right?

If you can wait, I'll be releasing an update in a few weeks. Perhaps that will fix it (or not).


I managed to (somewhat) reduce the blur. Not completely but it's still better than how it was. The fix will be up in the new update, out in a a few weeks.

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